British Isles 1:253,440 (Quarter Inch)
Series M521, U.S. Army Map Service (Ordnance Survey), 1942-
- Glasgow and the Middle West Sheet 4, 1:253,440 (13.5 MB)
- Orkneys Sheet 8, 1:253,440 (11.4 MB)
- Scotland, North Sheet 7, 1:253,440 (13.2 MB)
- Scotland, Southwest Sheet 2, 1:253,440 (11.3 MB)
- Shetlands Sheet 9, 1:253,440 (8.6 MB)
- Skye and the Outer Hebrides Sheet 6, 1:253,440 (13.6 MB)
- The Eastern Highland Sheet 5, 1:253,440 (12.1 MB)
- The Forth Clyde and Tay Sheet 3, 1:253,440 (11.9 MB)
- Orkneys Sheet 8, 1:253,440 (11.4 MB)