Perry-Castañeda Library
Map Collection

Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd

Shepherd, William. Historical Atlas. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1911.
Use the index to locate place names within the atlas.

Cover, Contents and Title Page

  • Front Cover (315K)
  • Front Cover Pastedown (137K)
  • Front Free Endpaper Recto (122K)
  • Front Free Endpaper Verso (103K)
  • Flyleaf with Amercian Historical Series Credits (204K)
  • Title Page (120K)
  • Flyleaf with Printer's Credits (148K)
  • Acknowledgement(348K) [iii]
  • Acknowledgement (362K) [iv]
  • Acknowledgement (156K) [v]
  • Contents (251K) [vi]
  • Contents (280K) [vii]
  • Contents (282K) [viii]
  • Contents (277K) [ix]
  • Contents (272K) [x]
  • Contents (143K) [xi]

  • Physical Map of Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa (830K) [p.2-3]
  • Mycenean Greece and the Orient about 1450 B.C. (332K) [p.4]
    Inset: Reference Map of the Nile Delta.
  • The Assyrian Empire and the Region about the Eastern Mediterranean, 750-625 B.C. (342K) [p.5]
  • Reference Map of Ancient Palestine (827K) [p.6-7]
    Insets: Plan of Jerusalem. Dominions of David and Solomon (1025-953 B.C.). Palestine under the later Kings (953-722 B.C.). Palestine under Joshua and the Judges (1250-1125 B.C.).
  • The Oriental Empires about 600 B.C. (463K) [p.8]
  • The Beginnings of Historic Greece 700 B.C.-600 B.C. (463K) [p.8]
  • Vicinity of Troy. The Shores of the Propontis. Plan of Olympia (240K) [p.9]
  • Reference Map of Ancient Greece. Northern Part (1MB) [p.10-11]
  • Greek and Phoenician Settlements in the Mediterranean Basin, about 550 B.C. (366K) [p.12]
  • Greece at the Time of the War with Persia, 500-479 B.C. The Athenian Empire at its Height (about 450 B.C.) (508K) [p.13]
  • Reference Map of Ancient Greece, Southern Part (825K) [p.14-15]
    Inset: Crete.
  • Reference Map of Attica. Plan of Thermopylae, 480 B.C. (322K) [p.16]
    Inset: Harbors of Athens
  • Greece at the Beginning of the Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.). Greece under Theban Headship (362 B.C.) (488K) [p.17]
  • The Macedonian Empire, 336-323 B.C. (916K) [p.18-19]
    Insets: The Ætolian and Achaian Leagues. Plan of Tyre.
  • Kingdoms of the Diadochi (916K) [p.18-19]
    After the Battle of Ipsus (301 B.C.). At the Beginning of the Struggle with Rome (about 200 B.C.).
  • Reference Map of Asia Minor under the Greeks and Romans (472K) [p.20]
  • Plan of Imperial Rome (1.04MB) [p.22-23]
  • Plan of Athens (1.04MB) [p.23]
    Inset: Plan of the Acropolis of Athens.
  • Plan of Republican Rome (1.04MBK) [p.23]
  • Plan of the Roman Forum and its Vicinity at the Time of the Republic (321K) [p.24]
  • Plan of the Imperial Forums and their Vicinity (321K) [p.24]
  • Reference Map of Ancient Italy, Northern Part (831K) [p.26-27]
  • The Growth of Roman Power in Italy (337K) [p.29]
  • Reference Map of Ancient Italy, Southern Part (629K) [p.30-31]
    Insets: Vicinity of Naples. Plan of Syracuse.
  • Rome and Carthage at the Beginning of the Second Punic War, 218 B.C. (191K) [p.32]
  • The Growth of Roman Power in Asia Minor (359K) [p.33]
    I, after the Treaty of Apamea, 188 B.C.; II, before the outbreak of the Mithradatic Wars, 90 B.C.; III, as organized by Pompey, 63 B.C.
  • Territorial Expansion of Rome (988K) [p.34-35]
    Insets: Plan of Carthage. Vicinity of Rome. Plan of Alexandria.
  • Reference Map of the European Provinces of the Roman Empire (910K) [p.38-39]
    Insets: Gaul in the Time of Caesar. The Rhine Country in Roman Times. Country about the Lower Danube in Roman Times.
  • The Roman Empire about 395 (684K) [p.42-43]
  • Germanic Migrations and Conquests, 150-1066 (465K) [p.45]
  • Development of Christianity to 1300 (717K) [p.46-47]
  • The Roman and Hunnic Empires about 450 (325K) [p.48]
  • Physical Map of the British Isles (416K) [p.49]
  • The Germanic Kingdoms and the East Roman Empire in 486 (770K) [p.50]
  • Roman Britain About 410 (770K) [p.51]
  • Settlements of Angles, Saxons and Jutes in Britain about 600 (770K) [p.51]
  • The Germanic Kingdoms and the East Roman Empire in 526 (391K) [p.52]
  • Europe and the East Roman Empire, 533-600 (391K) [p.52]
  • The Califate in 750 (393K) [p.53]
  • Growth of Frankish Power, 481-814 (393K) [p.53]
  • The Carolingian and Byzantine Empires and the Califate about 814 (674K) [p.54-55]
    Inset: Northern Austrasia about 814.
  • Disruption of the Carolingian Empire, 843-888 (360K) [p.56]
  • The Peoples of Europe about 900 (337K) [p.57]
  • Europe and the Byzantine Empire about 1000 (689K) [p.58-59]
  • The British Isles about 802 (332K) [p.60]
  • England after 886 (332K) [p.60]
  • The Shires of England in the Tenth Century (332K) [p.60]
  • France about 1035 (329K) [p.61]
  • Central Europe, 919-1125 (843K) [p.62-63]
  • Italy about 1050 (314K) [p.64]
    Inset: The Patrimony of St. Peter.
  • Dominions of Cnut, 1014-1035 (314K) [p.64]
  • Dominions of William the Conqueror about 1087 (273K) [p.65]
  • Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1097 (712K) [p.66-67]
    Inset: Europe and the Mediterranean Lands by Religions about 1097.
  • Asia Minor and the States of the Crusaders in Syria, about 1140 (349K) [p.68]
    Insets: Palestine. Plan of Jerusalem about 1187.
  • France, 1154-1184 (497K) [p.69]
    Inset: Domain, Fiefs and Suzerains of the Count of Champagne in the Twelfth Century.
  • Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1190 (1.03MB) [p.70-71]
    Inset: Guelf, Hohenstaufen and Ascanian Domains in Germany about 1176.
  • The Holy Roman Empire under the Hohenstaufen, 1138-1254 (428K) [p.72]
  • The Mediterranean Lands after 1204 (365K) [p.73]
  • The British Isles about 1300 (687K) [p.74]
  • Plan of London about 1300 (687K) [p.75]
  • Vicinity of London, 1200-1600 (687K) [p.75]
  • France in 1328 (446K) [p.76]
    Inset: The Chief Wool-raising Districts of England and Wool-manufacturing Towns of Flanders, Artois and Brabant.
  • Europe in 1360 (424K) [p.77]
  • Central Europe in 1378 (810K) [p.78-79]
    Inset: Dominions of Ottocar of Bohemia.
  • Spread of German Settlements to the Eastward, 800-1400 (304K) [p.80]
    Inset: The March of Lusatia.
  • The Great Schism, 1378-1417 (344K) [p.81]
  • France in 1453 (344K) [p.81]
  • Spain, 910-1492 (832K) [p.82-83]
    Spain in 910. Spain in 1037. Spain in 1150. Spain 1212-1492.
  • England and France, 1455-1494 (440K) [p.84]
  • Decline of the March of Brandenburg under the Houses of Wittelsbach and Luxemburg, 1320-1415 (324K) [p.85] [1926 ed.]
  • The Wettin Lands, 1221-1485 (324K) [p.85]
    Inset: Temporary break-up of the Wettin Lands about 1300.
  • Central Europe about 1477 (807K) [p.86-87]
  • Decline of German Power in the Baltic Region, 1380-1560 (354K) [p.88]
  • The Byzantine Empire in 1265 (390K) [p.89]
    The Byzantine Empire, 1265-1355. The Byzantine Empire in 1265.
  • The Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Turks in 1355 (390K) [p.89]
    The Byzantine Empire, 1265-1355. The Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Turks in 1355.
  • Italy about 1494 (917K) [p.90]
    Insets: The Milanese under the Visconti, 1339-1402. The Republic of Florence, 1300-1494.
  • The Swiss Confederation, 1291-1513 (917K) [p.91]
  • The Mongol Dominions, 1300-1405 (393K) [p.92]
  • The Ottoman Empire, 1451-1481 and Constantinople (339K) [p.93]
  • Ecclesiastical Map of Western Europe in the Middle Ages (1.05MB) [p.94-95]
    Inset: Vicinity of Naples.
  • Plan of Rome in the Middle Ages (282K) [p.96]
  • The Roman Suburbicarian (Cardinal) Bishoprics about the 12th Century (282K) [p.96]
  • Ecclesiastical Map of the British Isles in the Middle Ages (417K) [p.97]
  • Mediaeval Commerce (Europe) (762K) [p.98-99]
    Insets: England. Hanseatic League in Northern Germany.
  • Rural Deaneries (364K) [p.100]
    Part of the bishopric of Winchester showing rural deaneries and religious houses during the Middle Ages.
  • Mediaeval Universities (364K) [p.100]
  • Ground Plan of a Monastery (St.Gall, Switzerland) (303K) [p.101]
  • Mediaeval Commerce (Asia) (793K) [p.102-103]
    Inset: India.
  • Plan of a Mediaeval Manor (339K) [p.104]
  • The West Indies and Central America, 1492-1525 (359K) [p.105]
    Inset: Watling's Island.
  • The Conquest of Mexico, 1519 - 1521 (196K) [p.106]
  • The Age of Discovery 1340-1600 (1.40MB) [p.107-108]
  • The Conquest of Peru, 1531 - 1533 (328K) [p.111]
  • The Portuguese Colonial Dominions in India and the Malay Archipelago, 1498-1580 (294K) [p.112]
  • The Imperial Circles about 1512 (272K) [p.113]
  • Central Europe about 1547 (879K) [p.114-115]
    Insets: Principality of Orange. Wettin Lands, 1485-1554.
  • The Religious Situation in Europe about 1560 (434K) [p.116]
    The Religious Situation in Central Europe about 1560. The Religious Situation in Europe about 1560.
  • The Netherlands 1559-1609 (342K) [p.117]
  • Europe about 1560 (752K) [p.118-119]
  • The Religious Situation in Central Europe about 1618 (451K) [p.120]
  • Sweden about 1658 (344K) [p.120]
  • Principal Seats of War in Europe, I. 1618-1660 (898K) [p.121]
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees 1659 (898K) [p.121]
    Treaty Adjustments, 1648-1660. Treaty of Pyrenees, 1659; Peace of Roeskilde-Oliva, 1658, 1660
  • Treaty of Westphalia 1648 (898K) [p.121]
    Treaty Adjustments, 1648-1660. Treaty of Westphalia 1648.
  • Central Europe about 1648 (898K) [p.122-123]
  • The Ottoman Empire, 1481-1683 (274K) [p.124]
  • Principal Seats of War in Europe, II. 1672-1699 (325K) [p.125]
  • Treaty Adjustments, 1668-1699 (325K) [p.125]
    Treaties of Aix-la-Chapelle, Nimwegen, St. Germain, Ryswick, Carlowitz.
  • Extension of the French Frontiers, 1601-1766 (904K) [p.126]
  • The British Isles, 1603-1688 (904K) [p.127]
  • The Spread of Colonization, 1600-1700 (407K) [p.128]
    Insets:Partition of Guiana and the West Indies. India. The Establishment of Dutch Power in the Malay Archipelago, 1602-1641. Guinea Coast.
  • Principal Seats of War in Europe, III. 1700-1721 (295K) [p.129]
  • Europe about 1740 (953K) [p.130-131]
    Inset: The Growth of Savoy, 1418-1748.
  • Principal Seats of War, IV. 1740-1763 (314K) [p.132]
    Insets: Spain. West Africa. West Indies. Canada. India.
  • Treaty Adjustments, 1713-1763 (314K) [p.133]
    Treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt, Baden, Stockholm, Frederiksborg, Nystad, Passarowitz, Vienna, Belgrade, Breslau, Dresden, Aix-la-Chapelle, Paris, Hubertusburg. Insets: Acadia and Newfoundland. Eastern North America.
  • Central Europe about 1786 (891K) [p.134-135]
  • The Struggle for Colonial Dominion, 1700-1763 (381K) [p.136]
    Insets: The West Indies, 1700-1763. Cook's Voyages in the Southern Pacific.
  • India, 1700-1792 (361K) [p.137]
  • The Growth of Russia in Europe, 1300-1796 (752K) [p.138-139]
  • Typical German States Before and since the French Revolution: I. Baden (920K) [p.142]
    Insets: The County of Sponheim. Lordship of Gravenstein. Baden since 1801.
  • Typical German States Before and since the French Revolution: II. Wurtemberg (920K) [p.143]
    Insets: County of Horburg and Lordship of Reichenweier. Principality-County of Montbeliard. Wurtemberg since 1495.
  • France in 1789:
    France in 1789. The "Gouvernements", The Generalities or Intendancies, The Salt Tax, and Laws and Courts(852K) [p.146-147]
  • Ecclesiastical Map of France, 1789 and 1802 (425K) [p.148]
  • France in 1791 (425K) [p.148]
  • Plans of Plans of Versailles and Paris in 1789 (383K) [p.149]
  • Napoleon's Campaign in Egypt, 1798 (842K) [p.150]
  • Northern Italy, 1796 (for the campaigns of 1796-1805) (842K) [p.150]
  • Germany and Italy in 1803; Germany and Italy in 1806 (842K) [p.151]
  • Treaty Adjustments, 1801-1812 (339K) [p.152]
    Insets: India. Cape Colony.
  • Principal Seats of War, V. 1788-1815 (339K) [p.153]
    Insets: India. Egypt. Napoleon's Campaign in Russia, 1812.
  • Napoleon's Campaign in Russia, 1812 (339K) [p.153]
  • Central Europe in 1812 (786K) [p.154-155]
    Inset: Europe in 1812.
  • Plan of the Battle of Waterloo (370K) [p.156]
  • Plan of the Waterloo Campaign, June 16-18, 1815 (370K) [p.156]
  • Treaty adjustments, 1814,1815 (366K) [p.157]
    Inset: Fortresses along the French Frontier.
  • Central Europe, 1815-1866 (863K) [p.158-159]
  • The Unification of Germany, 1815-1871 (298K) [p.160]
    I. Rise of the German "Zollverein" (Customs-Union) up to 1834.
    II. The German "Zollverein" (Customs-Union) after 1834.
  • The Unification of Germany, 1815-1871 (334K) [p.161]
    III. The North German Federation and the German Empire 1866-1871.
  • The Unification of Italy, 1815-1870 (334K) [p.161]
  • Industrial England since 1750 (1.01MB) [p.162]
  • England and Wales in 1832 (1.10MB) [p.163]
  • Dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire since 1683 (363K) [p.164]
    Insets: Southwestern Crimea, 1854. Plan of Sevastopol, 1854-1855.
  • Distibution of Races in the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor (335K) [p.165]
  • Europe at the Present Time (737K) [p.166-167]
  • Distribution of Races in Austria-Hungary (371K) [p.168]
  • The Growth of European and Japanese Dominions in Asia since 1801 (877K) [p.170-171]
    Inset: Vicinity of Peking.
  • Australia and New Zealand since 1788 (370K) [p.172]
  • The Partition of Africa (760K) [p.174-175]
    Insets: The Suez Canal and Lower Egypt. The Boer Republics till 1902.
  • Distribution of the Principal European Languages (332K) [p.176]
  • Distribution of Europeans, Chinese, Japanese and Negroes (312K) [p.177]
  • Colonies, Dependencies and Trade Routes (1.59MB) [p.179-182]
  • Localities in Western Europe connected with American History (306K) [p.184]
  • Localities in England connected with American History (296K) [p.185]
  • Physical Map of North America (728K) [p.186-187]
  • The Indians in the United States (443K) [p.188]
  • Reference Map of the New England Colonies, 1607-1760 (463K) [p.189]
    Insets: Rhode Island. Vicinity of Boston. Vicinity of New York.
  • European Exploration and Settlement in the United States, 1513-1776 (881K) [p.190-191]
    Inset: Principal English Grants, 1606-1665.
  • Reference Map of the Middle Colonies, 1607-1760 (480K) [p.192]
    Inset: Settlements on the Delaware River.
  • Reference Map of the Southern Colonies, 1607-1760 (440K) [p.193]
    Insets: Settlements on the James River. The Georgian Coast.
  • The British Colonies in North America, 1763-1775 (387K) [p.194]
    Inset: Middle Colonies.
  • Campaigns of the American Revolution, 1775-1781 (436K) [p.195]
    Inset:The West and South, 1778-1781.
  • The United States, 1783-1803 (421K) [p.196]
    Insets: The State of Franklin, 1784-1788. Early distribution of the Public Lands (Ohio).
  • Territorial Expansion of the United States since 1803 (878K) [p.198-199]
    Insets: Alaska. Hawaii. Guam. Samoa Islands. Wake Island. Midway Island. Porto Rico. The Philippine Islands.
  • Campaigns of the War of 1812 (367K) [p.200]
    Campaigns of the War of 1812. The Southwest. Vicinity of Washington in 1814.
  • Campaigns of the Mexican War, 1846-1847 (277K) [p.201]
    Inset: Route from Vera Cruz to Mexico.
  • The Organization of Territories in the United States since 1803 (872K) [p.202-203]
    I.1803-1810, II.1810-1835, III.1835-1855, IV.Since 1855.
  • Slavery and the Staple Agricultural Products in the Southern States, 1790-1860 (330K) [p.204]
  • Slavery and Emancipation in the United States, 1777-1865 (1.24MB) [p.206-207]
    Inset: The Region South of the Great Lakes.
  • Seat of the Civil War, 1861-1865 (446K) [p.208]
    Inset: Vicinity of Gettysburg.
  • Westward Development of the United States (886K) [p.210-211]
  • Canada and Newfoundland (500K) [p.212]
    Inset: The Arbitration Boundary between Canada and Alaska.
  • Mexico, Central America and the West Indies (406K) [p.213]
    Inset: Central Mexico.
  • South America (732K) [p.214-215]
    Inset: South America about 1790.
  • The Panama Canal (372K) [p.216]
    The Canal Zone. Profile of the Canal.


    Abbreviations [p.1]
    Aach -Ælmere [p.2]
    Æmilia - Albemarle [p.3]
    Albemarle - Alwar [p.4]
    Alyza - Anklam [p.5]
    Ann - Araphen [p.6]
    Ararat - Arundel [p.7]
    Arundel - Aufidena [p.8]
    Aufidus - Baden [p.9]
    Baden - Basman [p.10]
    Basques - Ben Nevis [p.11]
    Bennington - Bischoflack [p.12]
    Bischofsheim - Bosrah [p.13]
    Bossiney - Britain [p.14]
    Britain I - Busento [p.15]
    Bushire - Cambridge [p.16]
    Cambridge - Carmelites [p.17]
    Carmen - Ceba [p.18]
    Cebenna - Charsianon [p.19]
    Charter House - Christchurch [p.20]
    Christian - Coburg [p.21]
    �oca - Copenhagen [p.22]
    Copenhagen - Crimisa [p.23]
    Crimisius - Daly [p.24]
    Daman - Demonport [p.25]
    De Vries - Dover [p.26]
    Dovre - East Roman [p.27]
    East Roman - Ely [p.28]
    Ely - Etchemins [p.29]
    Eteocretes - Fezenzac [p.30]
    Fezzan - Fort Diego [p.31]
    Fort Dobbs - France [p.32]
    France - Galena [p.33]
    Galepsus - Geronthræ [p.34]
    Gerontia - Gourdon [p.35]
    Gurnoay - Guam [p.36]
    Guanahani - Hampton [p.37]
    Hampton - Heraclea [p.38]
    Heraclea - Hohentwiel [p.39]
    Hohen Urach - Hyrminus [p.40]
    Irak Arab - Hyrtacina [p.41]
    Iran - Jeblaam [p.42]
    Jedburgh - Karabunar
    Karachal - Kingston-upon-Hul [p.44]
    Kingston-upon-Thames - Kurds [p.45]
    Kuria Muria Islands - Larino [p.46]
    Larinum - Legano [p.47]
    Le Havre - Lissa [p.48]
    Lissa Island - Lower Guniea [p.49]
    Lower Lybia - McKinley [p.50]
    MacLeans - Monosque [p.51]
    Manosque - Matianus [p.52]
    Matifu - Mendon [p.53]
    Mendoza - Minas [p.54]
    Minas Geraes - Monreale [p.55]
    Monroe - Muir Glacier [p.56]
    Mukden - Navari [p.57]
    Navarre - New Forest [p.58]
    Newfoundland - Norfolk [p.59]
    Norham - Ocan [p.60]
    Oceanus Britannicus - Oppius [p.61]
    Opsician - Oxford [p.62]
    Oxford - Pardo [p.63]
    Pardubitz - Pered [p.64]
    Perekop - Picenum [p.65]
    Picenum - Polaticum [p.66]
    Picenum - Polaticum [p.66]
    Polden - Poswol [p.67]
    Potaïssa - Pylus [p.68]
    Pyramid Lake- Reggio [p.69]
    Regia - Ripaille [p.70]
    Ripley - Rue Saint Jacques [p.71]
    Rue Saint Martin - Saint Denis [p.72]
    Saint Denis - Saint Peters' Yard [p.73]
    Saint Philip - San Francisco [p.74]
    Saint Philip - San Francisco [p.75]
    São Jorge - Schwaz
    Schwechat - Seriphus[p.77]
    Sermyle - Silesia [p.78]
    Silesia - Sonrio [p.79]
    Songhar - Staufen [p.80]
    Staufen - Sundgan [p.81]
    Sundhofen - Tangier [p.82]
    Tag-shan - Tepic [p.83]
    Tepic - Tiberius [p.84]
    Tiberius - Tovin [p.85]
    Tower - Tullahoma [p.86]
    Tulle - Upper Pimería [p.87]
    Upper Silesia - Vegila [p.88]
    Veii - Victoria [p.89]
    Victoria - Waghausel [p.90] Wagnelee- Weobley [p.91]
    Werben - Winschoten [p.92]
    Winterberg - Zabern [p.93]
    Zabern - Zwornik [p.94]