Perry-Castañeda Library
Map Collection
Where to Buy Maps
Note: The Perry-Castañeda Library does not sell maps. Below is a selective listing of map sellers.
Updated 4/21/16
- Auckland Map Centre Auckland, New Zealand
- (EastView) Minneapolis, Minnesota
- DeLorme Yarmouth, Maine (Electronic mapping and topo state atlas publisher)
- Digital Map Store Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
- Distant Lands Pasadena, California
- Dr.Goetze Land & Karte Hamburg, Germany
- East View Geospatial Minneapolis, Minnesota
- East View Map Link Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Easy Going Travel Shop and Bookstore Berkeley and Walnut Creek, California
- Educational Maps and Globes Kenmore, Washington
- Elstead Maps Godalming, Surrey, England
- Freytag and Berndt Vienna, Austria
- GeoCenter Stuttgart, Germany
- Geosmile Santa Barbara, California
- Geografische Boekhandel J. van Wijngaarden Amsterdam
- Globe Corner Bookstores Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Great Journeys, Inc. Spring Hill, Florida
- Groovy Map Company Bangkok, Thailand
- Heirloom Maps Kensington, Maryland
- Hereford Map Centre Hereford, England
- IGN - Institut Geographique National Paris, France
- ILH - Internationales Landkartenhaus Stuttgart, Germany
- Intelligent Travel Maps Prague, Czech Republic
- ITMB Vancouver, British Columbia
- Jacob van Wijngaarden Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Kaarten en Atlassen Landsmeer, Netherlands
- Kappa Map Group [ADC, American Map, Hagstrom, MAPSCO] Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
- Kroll Map Company Seattle, Washington
- Das Landkartenhaus Wiesbaden, Germany
- Landkartenhaus Voigt Freiburg, Germany
- LanguageQuest Traveler Mt. Shasta, California
- LeadDog Anchorage, Alaska
- Libreria Altair Barcelona, Spain
- La Libreria del Viaggiatore Sondrio, Italy
- Librairie Itin�raires Paris, France
- Librairie Ulyssee Paris, France
- ManyMaps Ghent, Belgium
- MapArt Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
- Map Service Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Map Shop Adelaide, Australia
- Map Shop Charlotte, North Carolina
- Map Shop Upton-upon-Severn, England
- MapShop Lochem, Netherlands
- Map Store of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota
- Map Studio South Africa
- Map Town Calgary, Alberta
- Santa Barbara, California
- Maps 4 Africa Johannesburg, South Africa
- Maps International Witney, England
- Maps Worldwide Melksham, England
- Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
- MAPSCO Fort Worth, Texas
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Mapworld Ltd. Budapest, Hungary
- Marketmaps Irvine, California
- Metsker Maps Seattle, Washington
- Mexico Maps Santa Barbara, California
- National Geographic Maps Washington, D.C.
- National Map Centre London, England
- Omni Resources Burlington, North Carolina
- One Map Place Dallas, Texas
- Osage Beach, Missouri
- Rand McNally
- Replogle Globes Indianapolis, Indiana
- Rocky Mountain Map Gallery Missoula, Montana
- Savvy Traveller Chicago, Illinois
- Schropp Berlin, Germany
- Seekarten-Verkauf Dessau-Rosslau, Germany
- Stanfords London, England
- Stanley and Livingstone The Hague, Netherlands
- Tasmanian Map Centre Hobart, Australia
- Texas Map Store Bulverde, Texas
- Travel Book Shop Zurich, Switzerland
- USGS Store
- Wereldbol-Expert (Globes) Groningen, Netherlands
- 1-World Globes Seattle, Washington
- 1-World Maps Seattle, Washington
- World of Maps Ottawa, Ontario
- De Zwerver Travel Book Shop Groningen, Netherlands
- Antiquarian Map Dealers (Antique Map Price Record)
- International Antiquarian Mapsellers Association
- International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
- Map Collecting (Map History / History of Cartography Web Site)
- MapTrade - Rare Maps Mailing List
- Adina S. Sommer Munich
- Alexandre Toronto
- Altea Gallery London
- Antipodean Books, Maps and Prints Garrison, New York
- Antiquariaat Forum Goy-Houten, Netherlands
- Antiquariaat Plantijn Breda, Netherlands
- Antiquarium Houston, Texas
- Antiquarius Rome
- Antique MapArt Australia Brisbane
- Antique Map Shop Bath, U.K.
- Antique Print Gallery Christchurch, New Zealand
- Andropov Haansberg, Netherlands
- Art Emporium Brisbane, Australia
- Art Source International Boulder, Colorado
- Ash Rare Books London
- Asher Rare Books IJmuiden, Netherlands
- Baynton-Williams London
- Beaux Arts Dallas, Texas
- Bickerstaff's Scarborough, Maine
- Blue Monocle Maps Denver, Colorado
- Bryars & Bryars (London)
- Cartographica Neerlandica Bilthoven, Netherlands
- Classical Images Melbourne, Australia
- Hawthorne, New York
- David Archer Ordnance Survey Maps Kerry, Newtown, Wales
- Dorothy Sloan-Rare Books Austin
- El Arte de la Memoria Barcelona
- Garwood and Voight Sevenoaks, Kent
- G.B. Manasek Norwich, Vermont
- Geographicus Antique Maps New York
- George Ritzlin Highland Park, Illinois
- Goetzfried Antique Maps Tettnang, Germany
- Hemispheres Stoddard, New Hampshire
- Historic Map Works Westbrook, Maine
- Holger Christoph & Co. Bonn
- Idea Antique Maps and Books Brescia, Italy
- Inter-Antiquariaat Amsterdam
- Intercol London
- Iris Antique Globes and Maps Almen, Netherlands
- Jo Anne and Richard Casten Old Field, New York
- Jonathan Potter London
- Kunstantikvariat Pama Oslo
- Lee Jackson London
- Leen Helmink Utrecht, Netherlands
- Librairie Ulysse Paris
- London Map Fairs London
- Magallanes Acassuso, Peru
- Map House London
- Map Mogul London
- Maps of Antiquity Chatham, Massachusetts
- Maps of Texas (historical reprints) Austin
- Maps of the Past San Marcos, Texas
- Martayan Lan New York City
- Michael Jennings Antique Maps and Prints Antibes, France
- Monika Schmidt Munich
- Hay-on-Wye
- Murray Hudson Halls, Tennessee
- Observatory Books Juneau, Alaska
- Old Imprints Portland, Oregon
- Old Map Gallery Denver, Colorado
- Old Maps West Chesterfield, New Hampshire
- Old Print Shop New York City
- PAMA Oslo, Norway
- Past Pages Pembury, Kent
- Paul Bremmers Maastricht, Netherlands
- Paulus Swaen Map Auctions Indian Rocks, Florida
- Paralos Gallery (Louise Bryan) Nafplion, Greece
- Petrus Plancius International Ermelo, Netherlands
- Philadelphia Print Shop Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Philographikon Rottenbuch, Germany
- Pontes Maps Madrid
- Prime Meridian Danville, Virginia
- Quist Antiquarian Dordrecht, Netherlands
- Raremaps.Com (Barry Lawrence Ruderman) La Jolla, California
- Reinhold Berg Regensburg, Germany
- Richard B. Arkway New York City
- Robert Putman Amsterdam
- Roderick M. Barron Sevenoaks, Kent
- Robert Putman Amsterdam
- Robert Ross and Co. Calabasas, California
- Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc. Ja Jolla, California
- Sanderus Antiquariaat Ghent, Belgium
- Simon Hunter Hove, U.K.
- Swann Galleries (Auctions) New York City
- Tooley Adams and Company Wallingford, Oxfordshire
- The Treasure Maps Genoa
- Vintage City Maps Austin, Texas
- Voyager Antique Maps Denver, Colorado
- W. Graham Arader III Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Houston, King of Prussia, Denver
This is a selection of map sources most frequently requested by our users.
- Aerial and Satellite Imagery for Texas (TNRIS)
- Location: 1700 N. Congress, Room B-40, Austin, Texas
- Mailing Address: PO Box 13231 Austin, TX 78711-3231
- Phone: 512-463-8337
- Aeronautical Charts
- FAA, National Aeronautical Charting Office,
Distribution Division AVN-530,
6303 Ivy Lane, Suite 400,
Greenbelt, MD 20770,
Phone: (301) 436-8301
(800) 638-8972 toll free, U.S. only (also available from MapLink and Omni)
- Austin, Texas Zoning Maps
- Phone: 512-499-2213
- Census Maps
- Phone: 888-249-7295 (Orders), 301-457-4100 (Customer Service)
- Central Intelligence Agency - Maps
- Flood Maps (FEMA)
- Phone: 800-358-9616
- Geologic Maps - Geoscience Publications Services, Bedford, England
- Geologic Maps - National Geologic Map Database (USGS)
- GIS Data (eMapSite)
- GIS Data (ESRI)
- GIS Data (GeoCommunity)
- GIS Data (MapMart)
- GIS Data - Texas (TNRIS)
- Gold Prospecting Maps
- Graphic Design Maps [Adobe Illustrator] (Map Resources)
- Hakluyt Society
- History of Cartography (Book Series, University of Wisconsin)
- IGN - France
- National Mapping Agencies (UNESCO)
- National Parks - Trails Illustrated
- Nautical Charts - British, French, etc. (Bluewater Books & Charts)
- Nautical Charts - Canada
- Nautical Charts - U.S. Waters
- Nautical Charts - Texas Dealer - R.H. John Chart Agency
- Raised Relief Maps (1World Central)
- Road Maps - Free U.S. State Highway Maps (PCL Electronic Map Collection)
- Road Maps - Used (Current EBay Listings)
- Road Maps - Used (20th Century Maps)
- Satellite Imagery (Earth Explorer/USGS)
- Satellite Imagery (Apollo Mapping)
- Satellite Imagery (Geocarto)
- Satellite Imagery (LandInfo)
- Satellite Imagery (MapMart)
- Satellite Imagery (TerraServer)
- Soviet Military Maps - East View Cartographic Minneapolis, Minnesota/Moscow, Russia
- Soviet Military Maps - Librairie Ulysse Paris
- Soviet Military Maps - Links
- Soviet Military Maps - Raleigh, North Carolina
- Soviet Military Maps - Omni Resources Burlington, North Carolina
- Texas - County Maps (Texas Department of Transportation) 512-486-5014 to purchase maps
- Texas - South Texas Atlases and Wall Maps (Texmaps)
- Topographic Maps - Australia (Australian Government, Geoscience Australia)
- Topographic Maps - Canada (Maptown)
- Topographic Maps - Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
- Topographic Maps - Texas Historical (Texas Map Store)
- Topographic Maps - U.S. (MapCard)
- Topographic Maps - U.S. (MapMart)
- Topographic Maps - U.S. (Maptech)
- Topographic Maps - U.S. (Terra Server)
- Topographic Maps - U.S. (
- Topographic Maps - U.S. (USGS Store)
- U.S. Geological Survey - Offices